Bitwig 3.0 🎧 This should change! & new patches for you

Hey Bitwiggers,

Today it's about what I don't like about the Bitwig 3.0 beta version and how it could be changed quickly without much effort.

Then I'll tell you a little bit about "physical modelling" and introduce you to the channel of "Audio Digital", which explains many synthesis forms on its YouTube channel very nicely. At the end there are of course as always or almost as always sounds for you to download (Gridnik Project / Guitar God & Jupiter Drone Grid Presets) and as always of course they are available in my GitHub repository. On this page I found some nice information about how to realize various synthesis forms in the grid.

Heute geht es darum was mich an der Bitwig 3.0 Beta Version stört und wie man das schnell, ohne großen Aufwand ändern könnte. Danach erzähle ich euch ein bisschen was über "physical modelling" und stelle euch den Kanal von "Audio Digital" vor, der viele Synthese Formen auf seinen YouTube Kanal sehr schön erklärt. Zum Schluss gibt es natürlich wie immer oder fast wie immer Sounds für euch zum Herunterladen und die sind wie immer natürlich verfügbar in meinem GitHub repository.